Monday, September 17, 2007

Give the Future More Power than the Past

The Reverend Robert Giannini, canon theologian with the Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis, wrote a compact summary of N.T. Wright's book "Evil and the Justice of God" in the Indy Star this morning. It's a great book that I've read and discussed with my fellow Questers. Here's a thoughful quote fron Giannini:
Forgiveness, for Wright, is a matter of granting more power to the future than to the past, even though the future may be seen only dimly. It is to live actively according to the principles of a world of justice and peace that we hope humanity can someday inhabit rather than dwell in a world that remains saturated with the dregs of old evils. It is to make the moral choice to live presently as if the hoped for future has already been inaugurated.

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