Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Blogger Beta Hell

So Google has a new version of Blogger that is forthcoming and they're slowly migrating people over to it. One of the new features is that Blogger accounts will be integrated with Google accounts. As it stands, you have to sign in separately to Blogger and Google (to access gMail or your calendar, for example). All well and good, EXCEPT....

What if you used the same user ID for both Blogger and Google? What then? Well, I'll tell you. Your Google account takes precedence so that everytime you try to sign in to Blogger it takes you to the new Blogger Beta dashboard. That would be fine except if you haven't had the opportunity to migrate your original Blogger blogs (they are only inviting a select few at this time), then you don't have access to your Blogs.

I just sent a second support request (a week after no reply from my first request) so we'll see what happens. In the mean time, the only way I'm able to post here is by "forgetting" my password and then following the email link back to Blogger, reset the password and proceed. Not a recipe for frequent posting (and I need all the excuses I can get!).

C'est la vie!

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