Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Highlights from Guatemala

Jesse reminded me that I haven't posted anything on my trip last month to Guatemala...so here it goes part one of multi-part post (this is also a good chance to test out posting pictures).

I went as part of a 10 person team. Six of us were from the Ann Arbor Vineyard and four from First Presbyterian of Brighton. Our mission was to support the work of Teri Litrell who is a full-time missionary in Vasquez, Guatemala (and the aunt of John Starkweather, a member of the A2 Vineyard).

Teri has established a clinic in Vasquez where she trains local Mayan women to be nurses and serves as a general advocate for the people. Here she is with some of her students (and Esther Brunson from Ann Arbor).

We stayed with the family of Sefarino and Maria, who took Teri in some 12 years ago after she first came to Vasquez. Through the years, the support Teri has received has enabled her to build "Sefi" and Maria a nice building complex with room for the loom, a clinic, a classroom/chapel and several guest rooms as well as space for the extended family (pictured below).

I was honored to be able to deliver the Sunday sermon the day after we arrived. It was a humbling experience. The people were very warm and friendly, but by the time my words were translated into Spanish, by Teri, and then Quiche (prounced kee-chay), by Pastor Obispo, it was very difficult to get into any kind of rhythm. It also tripled the time, so my nice 20 minute sermon dragged on past an hour. On top of this, the kids ran around freely and the adults, who primarily spoke Quiche, chatted during the english and spanish parts. This all took some getting used to, but all in all it was a very valuable experience.

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