Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Young Christians Rising - Hans Zeiger

Young Christians Rising - Hans Zeiger: "%u201CIn an age of relativism,%u201D writes Peter Kreeft, %u201Corthodoxy is the only possible rebellion left.%u201D Remarkably, Christian orthodoxy is spreading rapidly amongst young Americans; we can hope that a great awakening of the spiritual life of the nation is imminent.

Across denominations, young Americans seek commitment; they want to be presented with a challenge and a message that can occupy their innermost identity; they want to live with purpose and an excitement that undermines the prevalent boredom of the post-modern wasteland. That is why, in an August 2004 MTV survey, a mere 21 percent of 18 to 24 year olds said that religion plays a small or unimportant role in their life. Eighteen to 24 year olds were more than twice as likely to see Mel Gibson%u2019s %u201CPassion%u201D as they were to see Michael Moore%u2019s %u201CFahrenheit 9/11.%u201D"

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