Saturday, December 16, 2006

Letting Your Soul Catch Up With Your Body.

I had the pleasure of meeting Dick Staub earlier this month while in Seattle on a business trip. Catherine, one of my business partners, and I sat in on the recording of The Kindlings Muse, a podcast Dick produces weekly as a live show recorded at Hales Brewery. The topic was on creativity and God...since God is creative and we are created in the image of God, when we are creative we are following in God's footsteps, so to speak. It was quite moving.

Here's an excerpt from Dick's latest blog entry which speaks to something I, for one, really need to take to heart...

"An American traveling in Africa hired a guide to lead him through the jungle to a remote village. In the mid afternoon the guide stopped and began to set up camp for the night. The American impatiently asked why they weren't taking advantage of the remaining daylight to make it a bit further towards their destination. 'We have traveled very fast and must allow time for our souls to catch up with our bodies' replied the guide.
...there are two problems with rationalizing away my pattern of influencing the many while knowing few.

First. Real transformation happens through deeper in-person relationships. Ideas are powerful, but they are not a replacement for our God-given capacity & need for a few deeper relationships.

Two. The example of Jesus reminds us that love is not an abstraction, but is actualized when we know and serve another person.

Because technology creates immediate and rapidly expanding accessibility,most of us have already surpassed our relational capacity. I am networked to more people than I can actually know and love personally.

Read the complete post at: Dick Staub: Staublog - Letting Your Soul Catch Up With Your Body.:

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